Whether your nonprofit is starting a 403 B Plan or you are reviewing your retirement plan investments, having Target Date Funds in the line-up is a good thing. Why are Target Date Funds a good thing in a 403 B or Nonprofit Retirement Plan? At Fairlight, we often find nonprofit employees asking us questions like “Where should I put my money” and “How often do I need to look at my retirement plan”? We also hear Read More
Time to Review Your Nonprofit’s 403b Retirement Plan
For those Chief Financial Officers who may have recently joined a nonprofit organization, you are likely wondering how to choose a 403b plan. As you review the current retirement plan, what are the important facts to know? Contact your Plan Administrator and your Investment Advisor so you can be briefed on the plan. Documents you should have on file for your review are: Summary Plan Description and Plan Read More
403 B Retirement Plan Rules
“I would like to take an early distribution from my nonprofit 403 b retirement plan so I can quit my job and travel. What are the 403 b distribution rules? What will be the tax consequences if I am unemployed or working free-lance at that point?” Um, what? This was one of the questions I was asked during a financial planning and investment educational session a couple of years ago. Ah, to be in those times once Read More