Institutional Investment Services
You focus on the mission.
We focus on the investment details.
We provide philanthropic and social impact institutions seeking long-term financial stability with investment management, liquidity risk consulting and workforce retirement plans.
We work with our clients to:
Identify the risks that could impact long-term financial viability
Decipher investment options to determine which are right for them
Strengthen financial portfolios to fulfill goals
Investment and Cash Management
Fairlight Advisors provides investment and cash management solutions as well as workforce 401(k) and 403(b) retirement plans for nonprofits, foundations and mission-driven companies.
We generally follow a passive investment strategy to help organizations potentially achieve long-term financial health. The benefits of passive investing are many:
Disciplined security buying and selling decisions
Broad diversification for lower risk
Lower expenses than comparable speculative or “active” investing
Limited tax exposure due to less buying and selling of securities
Lower costs and lower risk means more efficient portfolio management.
An investment and cash management engagement with Fairlight Advisors consists of:
Analysis of the client’s current financial condition and modeling of investment options
Investment and spending policy creation and maintenance
Regular financial reviews
Investment education
Liquidity Risk Consulting as described below
Investment Policy Consulting
Endowments, Foundations and Board-Advised Funds should maintain a long-term investment perspective when short-term market movements create anxiety. It’s in times of extreme market volatility that investors let their emotions guide their actions.
Fairlight Advisors provides Investment and Spending Policy Consulting to help philanthropic organizations outline a prudent and acceptable investment philosophy as well as investment management procedures for the long-term investor.
Liquidity Risk Consulting
Many organizations are looking for direction on how large an operating reserve to hold to address an unplanned incident: loss of a key staff member, equipment damage or a customer complaint, to name a few. Inadequate operating reserves force nonprofits to downsize staff, abandon strategic plans or sell mission-critical assets in order to release cash to pay for a minor hiccup that insurance may not cover.
A Fairlight Advisors consulting engagement typically consists of:
Spending Analysis
Risk Profile Assessment
Asset Allocation Recommendation
Investment and Liquidity Policy Development